The units occupy a prominent position on the established Lea Valley Industrial Estate, a short distance to the south of the A406 providing access to the M11, A10 and M25. Meridian Water Train Station provides a regular service to London (Liverpool Street) in approx. 32 minutes.
The property
A mid-terrace unit featuring metal hinged door and metal cladding to the front. Two offices, toilet and kitchen facilities are provided at first floor level. There is gas central heating to the offices. The main unit features sodium lighting. Car parking is available to the front.
Accommodation Measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Guide the approximate gross internal floor area is:
Ind/warehouse Offices Total
Unit 1B 1,190 sq ft 298 sq ft 1,488 sq ft
To be let on a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed.
£26,400 pax. A 3 month rent deposit is required, subject to satisfactory accounts and references. VAT is not payable.
Business rates
The Rateable Value is £19,750 (April 2023). Making the rates payable approximately £9,855.25pa (23/24).
However, interested parties are advised to satisfy themselves fully with the Local Authority in this respect.
Legal costs
Our Client uses a standard agreement hence legal costs are not payable.
An EPC is in the process of being prepared.
Agent’s Note
All figures quoted are exclusive of Vat (if applicable)
No warranty is given in respect of the current planning use.
None of the amenities or fixtures and fittings have been tested.
Please contact us on 01708 860696 / 07775 804842 or email: jb@branchassociates.co.uk
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